I know it's been forever. Since we last chatted so much has happened. M, C, my mom and I went to Ireland for 11 days and WHAT A BLAST! M danced everywhere, she even got to do a workshop with a Riverdance dancer and a former Riverdance dancer. How cool is that? Ireland is certainly a very beautiful county and it is true that you can experience all 4 seasons in one day! The castles (we stayed in one), the Cliffs of Mohr, the Belleck factory (OMG I could have spent a fortune there), Yeats' tomb, Dublin.... just amazing! C got to play a few rounds of golf, very interesting places for him to do so. OH, we got to see the Book of Kells- WOW!
Then we spent most of the summer in NC. Sad news, while we were there I had to put Oreo to sleep. It was so incredibly hard, her mind was there but her body was failing. J didn't go to NC with us so it was even harder for him as he picked her out with Dan when she was a puppy and he considered her his.
M and I then went to Savannah for a competition and she got her solo dress. NOT CHEAP- $850 for a used one. This one has gone to Nationals and Worlds so it does have good karma. We go to Tampa this weekend and then regionals in Dec. We are going to stay home for Thanksgiving this year so we are skipping the St Augustine competition since regionals are the next weekend. busy busy
C made the STA jr. varsity golf team and had a great season. They were undefeated! And they beat varsity in a match. Yahoo. He still plays 5,6,7 times a week. Again, my butt exactly matches the shape of my car seat! the miles I put on that car......
J is still trying to get his act together and get into the Navy. OMG the paperwork!!!!!
Everything was going well until last Friday. When I got home from taking M to school I found my BELOVED EDGAR ALLEN PUD dead in my neighbor's back yard. It appears he was murderded by a $%)_*^&^$*)(*_*)( coyote. Thank God that two of my neighbors were home and heard my shrieks and came to help me. I am still completely devestated and can't believe it. He was the sweetest boy ever and certainly didn't deserve this. Through her tears, the vet said that he was killed instantly and did not suffer. The wildlife guy came out and said if he catches it that he will let me know. My response is that the sound of a gunshot would suffice. My poor poor baby....I look for him still every day to come running up for love. ^$@)_*&)($& coyote.
My best friend took me out to lunch so we could "wake" him and the stupid place we always go to for fried green tomatoes was out of tomatoes! arghhhh not a good weekend, but their sweet tea and salad were divine.
okay, gotta go see Jenny. I am going to be in big trouble as although chocolate may ease (only slightly) the pain I had this weekend it certainly doesn't help with the weight loss. stupid &%%()&%*_)*_@# coyote.
RIP Edgar Allen Pud