Saturday, December 1, 2007

various mutterings....

The picture is of our house in NC. Next picture is of D trying to get cell phone service. Nextel is horrid up there. The leaves were so pretty. The weather was nice until the last morning when it was 39 degrees. Oh, I don't think so - we are outta here! Off to St. Augustine where M took 4 1st place medals and 2 3rd place medals. The World Golf Resort, where we stayed, was very nice! We had a good time. After the competition was over we went downtown and took the Holly Jolly Trolley Tour. For $6 (m was $3) you drive around looking at old St Augustine all lit up for Christmas (and yes, I said CHRISTMAS! haha) listening to Christmas carols with a stop for hot cider and cookies. Very fun! We met up with a quite cute pirate and the girls took a a picture with him. Then we had dinner at a most excellent hole in the wall pizza place, the best we've had in years (still not as good as UNO'S though).

On Tuesday the Irish dance moms were treated to a concert by ANUNA, an Irish singing group. I don't know how to categorize them, they sing many traditional songs a capella with occasional harp, violin or low whistle accompanists. WOW doesn't even begin to say how phenomenal they are. It was mesmerizing. Afterwards we got to hang out with them for a while, get autographs, chit chat....If you can ever see them -DO IT! It was worth the 3hour round trip. Of course since we got to ride in a pimped out limo there and back....filled with champagne...great driver with ultra cool little doggie... Claire working the sound system inside..NOT she got fired haha! Ronnie was excellent at keeping Dante (the driver) on his toes..Thank You Maureen; it was bitching! Can't tell you guys any more than that because "what happens in the limo, stays in the limo!"

And then last night....I won $15 for high game at bunco! WoHoooo. Once again a great time was had by all and Darlene was chef extraordinaire! Good Eats! Which leads me to ....

A jenny update! Okay, so I haven't weighed in in 3 weeks because sick , out of town..blah, blah, blah. So in preparation I made sure my hair was completely dry, lighter shoes, same clothes I always wear( who cares if I look like a bag lady 'cause they are now too big) and I even cut my fingernails. Man, I was sweating it, even though I stayed the course for the most part. I did have a really crappy, ugly looking, tasteless, grossly colored piece of pumpkin mousse cheesecake in St Augustine at the dinner buffet (and man oh man was it hard not going back for seconds, do you think anyone noticed the finger smear down the backside of the cake?) and I did have the chili cheese with onions and sweet tea at the Beacon (last time I can do that as I thought the Jenny god had come to take revenge on my innards for that one!)So I go in... pee one more time.... get on the scale and SHUT UP!!!!! I lost another 3.2 pounds. Debbie, my consultant, and I are screaming like flippin' idiots. Rachel, the director, comes back to see what's going on and she starts squealing as well. Then another person waiting for her appointment yells out she doesn't know what's going on but it sounds good so she'll scream to. Probably scared the crap out of the chiropractor's patients next door. Who cares! I met my next goal of getting below 30 pounds. The credit card flips to a new statement on Monday and I am going shopping. For Christmas and for ME!!! yahooo...

Hey, why don't you email me your favorite recipe for the holidays and add a note as to how you know me... for my next project. You can send more than one recipe.

Friday, November 16, 2007

helloooooooo? anybody there?

I bet you thought I fell off the face of the earth. Trust me, there are days when that would be a welcome trip to take!
Just dropping by for a sec. M and I are leaving early for NC and then to St Augustine for another feis.
Looking forward to relaxing a bit so have a HAPPPY THANKSGIVING!

Monday, October 29, 2007

oops, thanks

Just a belated thanks for listening to my rant about blockheadbuster. We handled it- cancelled the account! haha

Thursday, October 25, 2007

We're baaaaaack!

M got 2 firsts and 3 seconds this weekend in Charlotte. We had a great time and guess what??? I lugged that stupid camera around and took NO pictures. My mom, sister and aunt got to come see M dance, which made M very proud of herself to dance in front on them. It was even better because she did so well. On Friday while practicing she fell and hurt her ankle so the drama began. On Saturday morning it was still aching and she wasn't sure she was going to dance. Oh yes she was!!! After airline tickets, hotel, entrance fees and all that she was dancing even if she was dancing on a crutch- haha! It's Monday and her foot is still bothering her so we'll have to see about practice tonight. The problem is that this is our last practice before her performance Sat at Dolphin stadium (or whatever it's name is now)

AND HOW ABOUT THOSE BOSOX!!!!!!!! YAHOOOOO!!! Poor stankee fans. Can't hang with the big boys.

And for all you Jenny losers (and that's a good thing) you can't take your Jenny food as a carry on. They made me throw out my sealed food because it is more than 3 ozs. I wanted to give it to the security lady so it wasn't wasted but thought she might be insulted as if I meant she needed to lose weight. Actually she could have used it but I didn't want to cause a ruckus! Applesauce is a deadly weapon. If I had packed it in my suitcase it would have just gotten soaked like all the clothes in my luggage since they left the suitcases out on the tarmac during the torrential downpour! Can you believe that? wet underwear, yup, would enjoy wearing that!!

Here is a fun game. I am going to try to make this a link you just click on but not sure if it will work.

47 to go!!!!

Yup, you read it right and you read it right here!!! Down 2.6 more, of course this is really only 1.6 to cancel out the 1 lb gain of last week. Which brings up another point.....AVOID STARBUCKS!!!! I don't drink coffee (barf barf) but I love the Pumpkin Spice Latte they have this time of year. I had 2 last week. Each one without sugar is 550 calories!! 550!!! OMG now add 4=5 sugars (see why I don't drink coffee?) and it's at least 600 calories, now multiply by 2 and it's over 1200! That is a whole day's worth of calories!! One extra day of food! I could have had one small m&m bag for 10 nights straight for those calories. I would not have had to freeze them, sort them or eat them one at a time. I could have eaten 4 bags of M&Ms the day I drank one drink!!! Don't get m&ms!!!!

Have you seen the new Jeep commercial? Click here it is so funny.

Okay, now my new gripe. Blockbuster/new privacy act. For a few weeks my account with them has been screwed up. I got a phone call saying I was going to be charged for my overdue movies. What?? I have the 3 movie pass where you can keep the movies for as long as you want. This is perfect for us because we take forever to watch and return movies. I called to say I have this plan and the answer was...get this... "we cancelled your plan because you haven't used it lately" again...What?? I still have the movies out so it's being used And when were you going to tell me you cancelled this?
Well, that's why we are charging you for the movies. This is your notice.
But I don't want the plan cancelled.
Okay, we'll reinstate it.
I returned those movies and got 3 more. A week later I get another phone call to say we are charging you for your movies. They are late.
I call again. First person I speak to - oh we don't have a 3 movie plan any more so you'll have to get a 2 movie plan.
This changed from last week? When were you going to tell me?
Oh, anyone who has the 3 movie plan is grandfathered in.
Well, I have had this plan since you put it into place so shouldn't I be grandfathered in?
dead silence
um, yeah, I guess so. Let's just double check your account. We will have someone get back to you in 3-5 business days.
today- store manager tells me the credit card denied the transaction.
call visa- there have been no denials on your account.
call block head backs. oh yeah no denial the charge for the 3 movie plan went through yesterday when you rented the movies. And the charge for the movie you never returned also went through.
Okay, I rented those movies 2 weeks ago not yesterday and I checked in the store and my account was accurate and I have nothing outstanding. What movie did I get charged for?
I can't tell you what movie because of the new privacy laws. You'll have to go into the store and check>
Wait you can charge my account for something but can't tell what the charge covers?
Am I speaking to the corporate location?
Yes, but we can't help you with the movie title, it's private information.
to end story..called visa- please deny all charges for this dumb ass company and at 10am I am giving them my cut up card and movies. They can stuff it. They have no customer service and after 10 years with them I no longer have to worry about this because I am no longer a customer.
Wish M luck. We are leaving to go to Charlotte tomorrow for a competition. Dance a jig for her!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

This is a very powerful video/song. Please view and pass it on. All I can say is
Just call me a very proud American Navy brat!

okay, so now it's 50

Okay, so instead of losing, I gained 1 pound. What a rip off! How could this have happened? Is the scale a liar? I think it needs to be re calibrated! I mean geez, I took my hair clip out, took my shoes off, made sure my hair was completely dry (water weighs alot), and even wore my most threadbare clothes. AND I completely followed the m & m rule. You know... I froze them, separated them by color, ate one at a time- completely finished each one before picking up the next one. So "what the...???" Is this something I should report to Is this a hoax? It's not true? If you follow the rules it's a calorie free treat, right? Friggin' liars. I bet the 3 musketeers rule is a lie too! hmmmm
Check out the picture of M and her friend with Elvis. Not only is he alive but he was at our church Friday night. What a blast! He was a little worried about performing in a church but both priests were there in case they were needed! He handed out sweaty scarves (gross) and the older (much older i should add)ladies were shameless in their pursuit to get the scarves! haha
oh well gonna go eat my lunch ( oh please oh please let it be some kind of calorie free chocolate on the menu for today)

Thursday, October 11, 2007


Cancer just sucks! Here is one more reason to help "pound down cancer". This just isn't fair! Please visit Matthew's site and offer some words of comfort. Even better- get registered on the bone marrow registry , You could save someone's life.
Matthew's site

pounding down cancer for Kevin

I did it!!! I figured out how to cut and paste the original letter I sent out to my friends regarding this fundraiser. Please consider jumping on board.

Hi guys,
Okay, this is the deal. It’s actually a “twofer” (you know, two for the price of one!).
Part 1:
Over the past few years the gods of the voluptuous have been blessing me greatly with a body that would make those of yesteryear, in the era of ruebenesque (is that a word?) women, drool with envy. Alas, I was born too late for them to appreciate me!!! So I have made a new friend named Craig, .Jenny Craig that is. “She” and I have been working together for the last 6 weeks and I have lost 16.5 pounds. Yahoo!
Part 2:
I have a very good friend from high school (go wildcats, Naples, Italy) who has two wonderful boys. The oldest recently graduated from college and is also an ALL cancer survivor. He has been in remission for over 5 years and is considered cured! She has a soon to be 14 year old who has been in remission since January from his SECOND battle with this terrible disease. Go Kev!
This is where YOU come in! Every year we (my kids and I) try to do something for childhood cancer awareness. Three different times we have had an electronics drive and collected videos, gameboys, game consoles, games, chargers…etc for the Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital. The overflow goes to the Ronald McDonald house. This is a great service project for your kids to do and it is SO appreciated by the children receiving treatment, the parents, staff and the sometimes forgotten about siblings (cancer affects them too!).
However, the best thing to happen would be to find a cure. It takes money!!! So… this is where the twofer is… I am asking everyone to support me in this effort to become less of a person mass-wise and more of a person heart- wise. This campaign is called “Pounding down cancer for Kevin.” For every pound I lose between now and Dec 31 2007 you can donate $1. This is painless (for you at least ) since the average weight loss is 1-3 pounds a week. Every week (or month) I will update you on the loss and you put the $1 per pound in an envelope. At the end of the year exchange the cash for a check and send it to me. The checks would be made out to “Childhood Cancer Foundation”. I will tabulate the total and forward them on with a complete list of names and addresses to the foundation so that you will get a tax receipt for your records.
But wait if you order now… I mean if you sign up now ...the first 17 pounds are on me. Okay, so they are really OFF me and I rounded up! I am not going to hound anyone to do this; this will be the only email/letter you receive. I will only update those people who email me back and say “YES, I WANT TO HELP THE FIGHT AGAINST CHILDHOOD CANCER!” Please indicate if you want a weekly or monthly update. I am going to try to get a website going but hey, it took three days and many eye rolls from my kids to teach me how to do the ipod! OMG that is the coolest thing ever! I can’t exercise with out it now.
Please take a minute and think of just how easy it is to do this! Email me back and let me know that you want to help. What if your dollar was the last dollar needed because a cure was found? Way cool, huh?!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

49 to go!

YES!!!!! 26 pounds down and 49 to go!!! Over 1/3 of the way to the final goal!!!!!!!! I am pushing for close to 50lbs by the end of the year. We'll see!
A few people have emailed asking what "pounding down cancer for Kevin" means. Well, I am trying to either create a link to my original email or repost it here for you. Cross your fingers.
Once you read it please consider jumping on board. If you start now it would only be $24 to donate if I hit the big 50!
The picture is of my new pud! He can't fill the HUGE hole in my heart left by Zeus but he helps.
His name is Edgar Allen Pud, we call him ed or edgar. He loves water and plays in the toilets, the dogs' water dish, the tub ( with kids in it), anything with water. It's fine by me except at 3 in the morning when I am dead asleep and "fwak" two extremely soaked paws are not so gently whacking my face! My only hope is that since Dan evidently didn't close the toilet lid in the middle of the night that at least he flushed!Please oh please!
This is just a quick update and I'll leave you with a "funny"

"After starting a new diet I altered my drive to work to avoid passing my favorite bakery. I accidentally drove by the bakery this morning, and as I approached, there in the window were a host of goodies. I felt this was no accident, so I prayed ... "Lord, it's up to you, if you want> me to have any of those delicious goodies, create a parking place for me directly in front of the bakery." And sure enough, on the eighth time around the block , there it was! God is so Good!"


Saturday, September 29, 2007

sausages and meatballs

There are things you notice about yourself when you are done doing an exercise type are thirsty, hot and sweaty, ready to start the day and.....what used to be 2 thumbs and 8 fingers are now 2 meatballs and 8 sausages. This drives me nuts!!! I feel like my hands belong on the Michelin man. You couldn't make a fist if you had to. Sure mr. mugger take whatever you want but you'll have to take it off because my fingers are so damn fat right now that I can't move them. argggghhhhhh

We had stuffed tomatoes tonight. Very simple to make, cut top off tom, scoop out pulp, remove seeds, mix with some parsely, chopped green onion, breadcrumbs, little olive oil, crumbled feta cheese. Stuff toms, bake 350 for 15 minutes. very good. mmm I ate two but hey they are vegetables! I am hoping that eating those will counter eating that new 3 Musketeers mint candy bar. OMG are they good. I swear if C brings me one more of those stupid things......>>I will probably eat it!!!!!

I am still looking into pilates classes but haven't gotten very far. Any hints on what makes a good class? instructor? Hit the comment button and let me know.

Gonna get going, I have a baby shower and pampered chef party to go to , have to take a shower since I just finished my walk and have to make the manicotti for tonite's dinner, I already have the sausages and meatballs!!!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Throw those fat pants away!

Okay, so today I did it! I gave my fat pants to Nelma (the laundry lady). They are waaaay too big - pause for cheer here......- and even though they are so very comfortable, I don't want them hanging around. I want that safety net gone. The next size down ( and NO I am not telling you the size they are ) is starting to be big on me. Not big enough yet, but still alittle big.

Did you know that it is 15 weeks until the new year? Did you know that if one loses 1-2 pounds per week that it could mean 15-30 YES 30! pounds gone by the new year? OMG baby steps could mean a HUGE difference in weight. I am not worried about gaining over the holidays as that's not my downfall but as we were chatting while sitting around at Jenny's today (yeah, that Jenny, as in Craig) we came up with some observations. People will flood the gyms and weight loss places at the beginning of the year because everyone waits until after the holidays 'cause they know they are going to pig out and gain 5-10 pounds. But wait, then you have more to lose and it's a wash at first 'cause you are only losing what you didn't need to gain. So our thought is to start NOW and you could be 15-30 pounds lighter at the start of the new year already. Man, are we brain surgeons or what?

I am looking for a pilates class now as someone said it's a great way to get in shape as you lose weight. Has anyone done one of these classes? I've heard of yoga and hot yoga, is there a hot pilates? I am sort of like a cat, I like the heat and sun. I hate being cold and the snow unless it's just for Christmas day. One day that's it!

Everyone is back in school and settled down so now I should be able to get back on track myself. I should be losing more but have plateaued a bit. This is the YEAR OF THE MOM so I am not the room mom, the GS leader, baseball mom or anything else. I am on the God Squad at school (haha what were they thinking???) which isn't too busy and the membership chair for the women's club at the church (again what were they thinking?). I am getting alot more done around the house and maybe this year I will decorate for Halloween, Thanksgiving and even Christmas earlier instead of the day before each holiday. At 7:30 the last kid is dropped off and I can go for my walk and get my day started.

I posted a picture of J in his mechanic clothes that he wears for school. He is in an automotive tech program at a vocational technical school and is working at a restaurant at night. This should give him minimal free time for trouble. CROSS YOUR FINGERS! We are waiting for the first report card. He seems to really like school.

I will update again, now that I have time.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

savannah feis

Well, we are back from Savannah. M placed 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th. We saw the Treble Reel for the first time and it is awesome. I guess it is the last dance of the feis (what an Irish step dance competition is called) and for a higher level of dancer. They all ring the edge of the stage and each dancer , in turn, steps out and performs one step. As soon as the last dancer finishes , the whole group does one step all together. They are wearing "hard shoes" so the noise is incredible! The dancers whoop and clap - it is a very lively dance. We had a great time and met a lot of new people from other schools across the country. Someone even came from Alaska!
Saturday evening a group of 23 of us went to Paula Dean's restaurant , Lady and Son's. It is very very good southern food. Good sweet tea, too! Which made it VERY hard to keep with the Jenny Craig program. Didn't stray too bad but boy is it tempting when you are out on vacation!
My friend, Lisa, her husband , Wendell and son , Kevin are going to be in Florida next week! Kevin is the inspiration for "Pounding down cancer for Kevin".This is so cool. Although Lisa and I have been friends for 30 years, I have never met her family so this is wonderful. I will give you an update on our visit.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

first time for everything

Hi All
This is going to be an attempt to start a "blog" for you guys to follow progress on the "Pounding down cancer for Kevin". Maybe I can get pictures uploaded (if I can figure it out). Tell me if you can read this and get to it easily.