Thursday, October 25, 2007

We're baaaaaack!

M got 2 firsts and 3 seconds this weekend in Charlotte. We had a great time and guess what??? I lugged that stupid camera around and took NO pictures. My mom, sister and aunt got to come see M dance, which made M very proud of herself to dance in front on them. It was even better because she did so well. On Friday while practicing she fell and hurt her ankle so the drama began. On Saturday morning it was still aching and she wasn't sure she was going to dance. Oh yes she was!!! After airline tickets, hotel, entrance fees and all that she was dancing even if she was dancing on a crutch- haha! It's Monday and her foot is still bothering her so we'll have to see about practice tonight. The problem is that this is our last practice before her performance Sat at Dolphin stadium (or whatever it's name is now)

AND HOW ABOUT THOSE BOSOX!!!!!!!! YAHOOOOO!!! Poor stankee fans. Can't hang with the big boys.

And for all you Jenny losers (and that's a good thing) you can't take your Jenny food as a carry on. They made me throw out my sealed food because it is more than 3 ozs. I wanted to give it to the security lady so it wasn't wasted but thought she might be insulted as if I meant she needed to lose weight. Actually she could have used it but I didn't want to cause a ruckus! Applesauce is a deadly weapon. If I had packed it in my suitcase it would have just gotten soaked like all the clothes in my luggage since they left the suitcases out on the tarmac during the torrential downpour! Can you believe that? wet underwear, yup, would enjoy wearing that!!

Here is a fun game. I am going to try to make this a link you just click on but not sure if it will work.

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